Task Forces

2021 JCEDC Business Development Task Force

Most years, the JCEDC Business Development Task Force, comprised of 7 to 10 volunteers, utility partners and JCEDC staff are responsible for planning and implementing the Johnson County Business Retention & Expansion program (BR|E). In the coming weeks, businesses across Johnson County and communities will be contacted for the purpose of completing a confidential BR|E interview. 

The objectives of these interviews are:
  • To communicate interest and support to existing businesses;
  • To say “Thank You, for doing business in Johnson County;”
  • To identify and address obstacles to business expansion or relocation;
  • To improve alliances with local governments and provide early warning of possible business plans;
  • To strengthen linkages to sources of technical, financial, educational and other services;
  • To design training opportunities tailored to industry needs and interests;
  • To identify opportunities for potentially new businesses to provide competitive inputs or add value; and,
  • To continue to organize networks among business leaders with common problems and opportunities.  
We are so appreciative of the willingness of the following members to serve on the JCEDC Business Development Task Force - thank you!