JCEDC joins forces with State Fair Community College’s Small Business Development Center to provide increased services in Johnson County

In News by JCEDC Staff

(Warrensburg, MO) Johnson County Economic Development Corporation (JCEDC) is proud to announce that it has joined forces with the Missouri Small Business Development Center (MOSBDC) at State Fair Community College (SFCC), as a volunteer business counseling location to provide beneficial services to area entrepreneurs and small businesses.

SFCC is the only Missouri community college to establish an SBDC, and serves entrepreneurs and small businesses in 12 counties with leading-edge resources in conceptual, startup, growth, expansion, and succession phases. Services are provided at no-cost and include, but are not limited to: confidential counseling, business planning assistance, funding options, market analysis, and more. Low-cost trainings are also available. The latest partnership between the MOSBDC at SFCC and JCEDC would allow business owners continued access to quality assistance at no cost, all within Johnson County.

In 2018, JCEDC provided site selection services and existing business development assistance to 29 Johnson County small business owners and entrepreneurs. “JCEDC has long provided services to Johnson County business owners, both large and small. One of JCEDC’s ongoing goals is to cultivate entrepreneurship and innovation by supporting and developing the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This partnership strengthens that commitment,” stated Tracy Brantner, JCEDC’s Executive Director.

“It is exciting to be able to expand our reach to small businesses and entrepreneurs in Johnson County, in providing the many valuable resources available from the MOSBDC to JCEDC in this partnership. Additionally, this partnership fits well within our MOSBDC mission: ‘The Missouri SBDC accelerates the growth of Missouri’s economy by helping businesses thrive through coaching, technical assistance and training to current and future business leaders while leveraging partner resources.’ Having an already proven record for providing outstanding services to those businesses and entrepreneurs they serve, we are more than pleased to partner with JCEDC. This will allow for the MOSBDC at SFCC to expand our reach in other areas we serve as well, knowing that our SBDC is well represented in Johnson County,” stated Kelly Asbury, Director for the MOSBDC at SFCC.

For more information about the business services available, visit www.growjocomo.com, or contact the JCEDC office at 660-747-0244. For more information about the MOSBDC at SFCC, go to www.sfccmo.edu/the-learning-force/small-business-development-center, or call (660) 596-7350
