In News by JCEDC Staff

Johnson County Economic Development Corporation (JCEDC) is excited to announce our participation in the first of its kind national Business Retention & Expansion (BR|E) Benchmarking Summer challenge. 100 organizations from across the U.S. have or will be selected to complete a total of 2,000 BR|E interviews.

This project, sponsored by Synchronist Suite, challenges JCEDC’s Business Development Task Force to conduct BR|E interviews with 20 Johnson County, Missouri businesses within 6 weeks. A diverse group of businesses including public, private, small business, and corporate owned industries will be interviewed as the Task Force learns about critical business and workforce development needs in our community, as well as the recent impact of COVID-19.  Through the Synchronist survey tool, responses from businesses will be confidentially compared to other communities across the U.S. allowing for a national benchmark comparison for areas of opportunity, growth, and competitive advantage.

Synchronist Suite is run by Blane, Canada, Ltd and the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness (CREC). Researchers facilitating the project will use these post-COVID findings and see how they compare against a similar study pre-pandemic. 

JCEDC will use the findings in Johnson County to help shape economic development strategies and policies. If you would like your business to participate in these confidential interviews, please contact JCEDC’s Aimee Courtaway at courtaway@growjocomo.com or 660-747-0244.

 About JCEDC

JCEDC, the only county-wide economic development organization, positively affects business development, placemaking, entrepreneurship, talent development, and regionalism and in doing so promotes the economic health of Johnson County, Central Missouri region, and the state of Missouri.