Johnson County Missouri Economic Development Corporation


In News by JCEDC Staff

Tracy Branter , CEcD, EDFP JCEDC Executive Director

(Warrensburg, MO)   On June 3, 2019, Tracy Brantner, Executive Director or Johnson County Economic Development Corporation (JCEDC) received certification as an Economic Development Finance Professional (EDFP) from the National Development Council (NDC). EDFP Certification is a professional credential given to individuals who successfully complete NDC’s intensive economic development finance training series. The training provides individuals working in the field of economic development with instruction in business credit analysis, real estate financing, loan packaging, deal structuring and negotiating and the creation and implementation of development programs.

Each of the four EDFP Certification Program courses is five days in length and concludes with an exam. Upon successful completion of all four courses, the candidate is awarded EDFP Certification. 

Brantner first joined JCEDC as Executive Director in 2006. At that time, she was the first professional staff hired for the reinvented county-wide program based in Warrensburg, Missouri. With great appreciation to the volunteers and outstanding leadership over the years, JCEDC has managed to be a solid economic development organization broadly focused on the standard economic development strategies but also impacting the county and region by supporting and working with leadership to address critical infrastructure improvements, parks, recreation, community development and planning. In addition to her role at JCEDC, Brantner is proud to have served in the past as the President of the Missouri Economic Development Council (MEDC) and is currently an MEDC Counselor. Brantner is also the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Committee Chairman and a Commissioner on the Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission, and President of the Central Missouri Economic Development Alliance, to name a few.

NDC’s work focuses on HOMES, JOBS and COMMUNITY. Founded as a national nonprofit in 1969, NDC has worked for 46 years at fulfilling its mission to increase the flow of capital for investment in low-income communities. NDC directs capital to support the preservation and creation of affordable housing, the creation of jobs through training and small business lending and the promotion of livable communities through investment in social infrastructure. NDC’s products and services are deployed for the benefit of our municipal and nonprofit partners in both urban and rural low-income communities.

NDC has provided training to over 70,000 professionals working in the fields of economic and housing development. Participants come from diverse backgrounds including city and state governments, public agencies, community-based organizations, professional organizations and banks.

NDC is headquartered in New York City with offices in Washington, DC, Seattle, WA, Cleveland, OH and Edgewood, KY. For more information about NDC, please visit:
