In News by JCEDC Staff

JOHNSON COUNTY, MO: The Missouri Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at State Fair Community College (SFCC), in response to business disruption from the COVID-19 virus in Missouri, has reached a partnership agreement with Johnson County Economic Development Corporation (JCEDC). The goal of this new partnership is to expand outreach to entrepreneurs in Johnson County, Missouri to help maintain the vitality of small businesses that support our local economies, and to specifically offset the impact of the COVID-19 business disruptions. The partnership began August 2020 and extends through March 2021.

Greg Tucker, Missouri SBDC State Director says, “Local businesses are essential to our rural communities. With funding support through the CARES Act the Missouri SBDC is excited for the opportunity to expand business counseling and training services with this partnership.” For more information on the Missouri SBDC, visit: missourisbdc.org

JCEDC concentrates its efforts on the economic development of Johnson County, Missouri, including cultivating entrepreneurship and innovation. “JCEDC has long provided services to Johnson County business owners, both large and small. One of JCEDC’s ongoing goals is to support and develop the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This partnership strengthens that commitment,” stated Tracy Brantner, JCEDC’s Executive Director.” As a co-counseling location, JCEDC provides entrepreneurs and small businesses with leading-edge resources in the following stages; conceptual, start up, growth, expansion, and succession. For more information about JCEDC’s services, visit: www.growjocomo.com.

Kelly Asbury, MO SBDC Director at SFCC stated, “In having an already tremendous relationship with our amazing partners at JCEDC, we are thrilled about the official partnership. We are more than pleased to be able to extend the reach of the MOSBDC at SFCC in providing our valuable tools and resources, and even more so that small businesses and entrepreneurs in Johnson County will have exceptional, experienced professionals to consult with them.” 

The Missouri SBDC helps business owners make confident decisions to start, grow, and sell their businesses. Services are provided to all Missouri counties and the city of St. Louis in the form of training events and one-to-one, personalized counseling by appointment. The Missouri SBDC is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration and is a partner of the University of Missouri Extension.